Carleton's Academic Integrity Policy serves to maintain the University's reputation and creates a fair learning environment for all students. On this page, you will find resources to help you navigate and understand Carleton's Academic Integrity Policy.
Accused of an
Academic Integrity
If you have been ​accused of an Academic Integrity Violation, don't panic! We have put together the following chart to guide you through what you need to do if you have been accused of breaching the Academic Integrity Policy. To download a slide deck containing this information, please click here. Carleton's Faculty of Science provides further information on Academic Integrity that you can find by clicking here.
If you are accused of an Academic Integrity Violation:
You will receive an email through ODS integrity.
Don't Panic!
The email will include the evidence against you, and options on how you would like to respond.
The 2 options of responding are:
Option 1: A written response sent via email explaining what transpired.
Option 2: A video-chat with Julia Wallace, Associate Dean of Undergraduate Affairs, or Andrew Runka, Assistant Dean: Academic Integrity (This option is available due to COVID-19).
If you do not receive your allegations, or your final grade for a course displays as a "GNA", contact:
Advice & Guidance
Once you have received the details of your case, you have the right to speak with the Ombudsperson!
The Ombudsperson is there to offer guidance, advise & ensure that you receive a fair process.
To organize a meeting with the Ombudsperson, contact:
It is free to enlist the services of the Ombudsperson!
They can assist you in writing your response, and interpreting the materials you receive.
Remember: They are not a lawyer.
You have 10 days to respond with which of the two options you choose.
Option 1: Include your written response in the same email.
Option 2: For a video-chat, ODS integrity will follow-up with possible meeting times
Be honest in your response!
The response should answer:
Did you do it?
What happened?
How did it occur?
You will receive a Decision Letter with the official decision & your sanction.
Possible sanctions for offences in courses within the Faculty of Science:
Are you first year standing (<4.0 credits completed)?
First offence?
No credit for assignment/activity in question,
Final grade reduction of one full letter grade (ex. A becomes B, B- becomes C-).
The sanction giving the lowest grade will be chosen.
Not your first offence?
Refer to second & third offence sanctions below.
Not first year standing?
First offence: F in the course
Second offence: One semester suspension from all studies
Third offence: Expulsion from the University
You will have 10 days to appeal the decision. The Appeal Form can be found here:
Grounds for an appeal include:
Errors of fact (i.e. something in the evidence presented was incorrect).
Error of process (i.e. the process was not followed correctly, or was unfair in some way).
Claim that the sanction imposed is inappropriate.