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Carleton's Academic Integrity Policy serves to maintain the University's reputation and creates a fair learning environment for all students. On this page, you will find resources to help you navigate and understand Carleton's Academic Integrity Policy.

Image by Philippe Bout

Academic Integrity
Introduction to Academic Integrity

Introduction to Academic Integrity

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Academic Integrity Case Process

Academic Integrity Case Process

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 Accused of an  

 Academic Integrity 


If you have been ​accused of an Academic Integrity Violation, don't panic! We have put together the following chart to guide you through what you need to do if you have been accused of breaching the Academic Integrity Policy. To download a slide deck containing this information, please click here. Carleton's Faculty of Science provides further information on Academic Integrity that you can find by clicking here.

  • What is Academic Integrity?
    According to the Centre for Academic Integrity (1999), Academic Integrity is: "A commitment even in the face of adversity to five fundamental values: honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility.”
  • What is plagiarism?
    According to Carleton’s Academic Integrity Policy, plagiarism is the act of using another individual/group’s work or ideas as your own. Plagiarism may be intentional or unintentional. Plagiarism is a SERIOUS academic offence
  • What constitutes plagiarism?
    Section VI, Subsection 1 of Carleton’s Academic Integrity Policy provides the following examples of plagiarism: Submitting a take-home examination, essay, laboratory report or other assignment written, in whole or in part, by someone else. Using ideas or direct, verbatim quotations, paraphrased material, algorithms, formulae, scientific or mathematical concepts, or ideas without appropriate acknowledgment in any academic assignment. Using another's data or research findings. Submitting a computer program developed in whole or in part by someone else, with or without modifications, as one’s own. Failing to acknowledge sources through the use of proper citations when using another's work and/or failing to use quotations marks.
  • Is plagiarism the only kind of academic integrity violation?
    No. There are many academic integrity violations including, but not limited to: accessing unauthorized items during tests/exams; working with others when it is not permitted; posing as another individual to complete assignments/tests/exams; misrepresentation such as submitting false data. Refer to Carleton’s Academic Integrity Policy Section VI : Academic Integrity Standards for a more comprehensive list of academic integrity violations.
  • Would you know if there was a plagiarism case against you?
    Yes. The Office of the Dean of Science (ODS) will contact you informing you that you have been accused of an academic integrity violation. This will also include the evidence against you and next steps in this procedure Monitor your grades for GNA as a placeholder most likely indicating an academic integrity violation. Please refer to the flowchart below for the complete process.
  • Can I simply resubmit an old assignment for another class?
    No. For more information refer to Carleton’s Academic Integrity Policy Section VI, Subsection 2 : Unauthorized Resubmission of Work. Submitting the same assignment for another purpose without written authorization from the instructor constitutes an academic integrity violation. Small/minor changes to the assignment still constitutes an academic integrity violation in the case of resubmission without the written permission of the course instructor.
  • If I work with a classmate on my assignment, is that cheating?"
    When the course instructor has stipulated that an assignment must be completed on an individual basis, then yes, co-operation, collaboration and/or submitting another classmates’ work or ideas as your own constitutes cheating. For further information, please refer to Carleton's Academic Integrity Policy Section VI, Subsection 3 : Unauthorized Co-operation or Collaboration.
  • What resources are available for me regarding proper citation?
    Always consult your Professor, TA, Instructor or assignment instructions regarding the style of citations that needs to be used. If in doubt, ask your Professor / TA / Instructor. You can find more information on proper citation formatting online. Consider using a citation managing software such as Mendeley. For more information or help with citations you can also contact the Research Help Desk at Carleton Univeristy’s MacOdrum Library.
  • What is a GNA?
    GNA stands for Grade Not Available. A GNA is added to a students transcript in place of the grade during an academic integrity case.
  • How long does the GNA last?
    The GNA will remain on your Grade Report until the Academic Integrity violation allegation has been resolved. If you have not received a Decision Letter from the Associate Dean, the GNA will act as a placeholder. Once you have received your Decision Letter, the Professor will change the grade to whatever is suggested by the Associate Dean.
  • I have been accused of an academic integrity violation, is my academic career over?"
    No. Your journey in academics is far from over, you have simply been accused. You still have the opportunity to provide your response to the alleged violation.
  • Is an Ombudsperson a lawyer?
    No. The Ombudsperson is NOT a lawyer. The Ombudsperson can provide advice and guidance on the Academic Integrity Policy, answer any questions regarding your trial and ensure that you receive a fair process. While the Ombusperson will not be arguing your case for you, they are willing to read over your response. Please refer to Carleton's Academic Integrity Policy Section V : Rights and Responsibilities for a description of the Ombudsperson's duties. It is recommended that you contact the Ombudsperson once you have been accused at:
  • What is involved in the appeal process?
    Within 10 working days of receiving the Decision Letter, you may submit an Appeal Application Form located on the Undergraduate Registrar’s Office website. Within 5 days of submitting the Appeal Application, the Assistant Registrar will send an email acknowledging the request and inform the Decision Maker (Associate Dean) of the appeal. Within 7 days of receiving the email from the Assistant Registrar, you may make an appointment with the Assistant Registrar and submit additional evidence in your response (5 additional days to do this). Within 5 days of all documentation being approved, the Appeal Committee will inform you of the date when the appeal will be considered (and of any further meetings where the appeal will be considered) The Appeal Committee will inform you, in writing, of their decision within 10 working days from when they made their decision. Refer to Section X : Appeal of Sanction (page 13 -15) of Carleton’s Academic Integrity Policy for more information.
  • Will an academic integrity violation show up on my transcript?
    Any sanction or punishment imposed against you will be stated in your Decision Letter. If it is not explicitly stated that there will be a transcript notation, then there will not be a transcript notation.
Flowchart Anchor



  • If you are accused of an Academic Integrity Violation:

    • You will receive an email through ODS integrity.

    • Don't Panic!

  • The email will include the evidence against you, and options on how you would like to respond.

  • The 2 options of responding are:

    • Option 1: A written response sent via email explaining what transpired.

    • Option 2: A video-chat with Julia Wallace, Associate Dean of Undergraduate Affairs, or Andrew Runka, Assistant Dean: Academic Integrity (This option is available due to COVID-19).

  • If you do not receive your allegations, or your final grade for a course displays as a "GNA", contact:


Advice & Guidance

  • Once you have received the details of your  case, you have the right to speak with the Ombudsperson!

  • The Ombudsperson is there to offer guidance, advise &  ensure that you receive a fair process. 

  • It is free to enlist the services of the Ombudsperson!

  • They can assist you in writing your response,  and interpreting the materials you receive.

  • Remember: They are not a lawyer.



  • You have 10 days to respond with  which of the two options you choose.

    • Option 1:  Include your written response  in the same email.

    • Option 2: For a video-chat, ODS integrity  will follow-up with possible meeting times


  • Be honest in your response!


  • The response should answer: 

    • Did you do it?

    • What happened? 

    • How did it occur?



  • You will receive a Decision Letter with the official decision & your sanction. 

  • Possible sanctions for offences in courses within the Faculty of Science:

    • Are you first year standing (<4.0 credits completed)?

      • First offence?

        • No credit for assignment/activity in question, 

        • Final grade reduction of one full letter grade  (ex. A becomes B, B- becomes C-).

        • The sanction giving the lowest grade will be chosen.  

      • Not your first offence?

        • Refer to second & third offence sanctions below.

    • Not first year standing?

      • First offence: F  in the course

      • Second offence: One semester suspension from all studies 

      • Third offence: Expulsion from the University



  • Grounds for an appeal include:

    • Errors of fact (i.e. something in the evidence presented was incorrect).

    • Error of process (i.e. the process was not followed correctly, or  was unfair in some way).

    • Claim that the sanction imposed is inappropriate.

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